Thursday, September 30, 2010

J's Chimes: Harajuku Sights And Sounds

    If you would go to Harajuku in Japan, you'd get to see many people dressed up in very unusual clothing and accessories on the streets. Harajuku is famous for the fact that such weird and amazingly strange dress ups and make ups are common sights that will leave you flabbergasted.

    Punk or Death Metal, Gothic to plain Funky, you could see them all in Harajuku. Probably would be one of the best place to be to do photography.

    You could even see some of the strangest outfits and makeups around. It would be ok in Japan but what if you are to do that in Singapore? The first impression would definitely not be a pleasant one...

    Mask and eye patches are pretty popular with dressing up. Of course these are not considered much to cosplaying, but rather a fashion to display oneself's creativity, freedom of expression and passion. Harajuku is popular for that because there are plenty of fashion stores around for them to choose from the various numbers of products on sale...

    Some of the most outrageous outfits that you didn't see before or never thought would be worn in the streets are somehow worn by people in that area. But perhaps the most prominent thing would be the colored wigs in which many would wear to match the looks of their attire...

    The shocking truth about such dressups are that these people are really just ordinary people with ordinary lives. They would packed their accessories, makeups and clothing into a travel bag or case and travel to Harajuku where they will begin their transformation. It's also been said that their hobbies are kept secret from their parents and loved ones. Probably because they didn't wanna let them know what the heck they are doing and ruin their image while pursuing what they are passionate about...

    I would love to visit a place lie this where fashion isn't really everything you'd really see in your everyday lives. It is really an amazing experience to have see such amazing things happening outside of our country and not classified as weird in their homeland. Normally such outrageous dressups are often criticize, showed with a glare of curiosity and thought by people that this guy or gal really stupid and crazy for doing that in the streets... typically in Singapore.Source URL:
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

J's Chimes: Things You'd Never Thought It Would Be...

    Love toys and games a lot? Well some creative people thus decided to make these things into something different instead and we're not talking about what it is actually shaped to be. Or rather, they are actually soap products. Lego is getting popular and thus it doesn't escape from these entrepreneurs...

    Love your PSP too much? How about bathing with it too? As detailed as it may seem, but then again would it be too much of a waste to let such be wasted? I bet this ain't cheap too...

    Be careful with you take a shower with these... might just fire away when treated lightly....

    Unless you are really an avid fan of Sony controllers, maybe you wanna wash your body with these too to make you feel more game pro... Comes in so many different colors too you'd didn't know of...

    Washing with a mouse gliding onto your body seems a bit weird, not unless it is a soap....

    One of the classic Nintendo controllers around... Reminds me of my past consoles when I am young...Source URL:
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

J's Chimes: The Dead Are Rising Once Again...

    The first series become a big hit when it was out a few years back... And finally, the 2nd installment to this crazy and gory game is back once again with a brand new hero against thousands of zombies. Released on the 28 September this year, Deadrising 2 certainly lives up to its title with plenty of new stuff that will surely entertain you just like GTA and other similar games around. I am also seriously looking forward to purchasing it but I would really have to finished up all my assignments before heading to the nearest game store to get one soon...

    Still not convince how fun this game is gonna be? How about watching a little trailer to get you all excited after watching too much Highschool of the Dead or playing too much of Left4Dead in the process...Source URL:
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Monday, September 27, 2010

J's Chimes: Why You Should Date An Otaku...

    Though this is not backup by any statistical charts or polls or anything, I would somehow have to agree with such as it does make sense and such... (Well, on the Otaku point of view...) Otakus are mistaken for their creepy hobbies by the public and are often neglected on the romance side. So here are probably the 10 Reasons why you should date an Otaku in which you should take note of. It may not be at all true but then again it wouldn't hurt to know about it.

    10 Reasons why you should date an Otaku

    1. Will remember your birthdays, special occasions, etc and will treat it with utmost importance.

    2. You can be assured that he would be faithful to his relationship (Except that he only loves anime too. But would you compare yourself to an anime character he likes?)

    3. He’ll be delighted with simple things like cooking for him or holding his hand (As in situations that would exist in the anime world)

    4. You can avoid being compared to his last girlfriend as he would probably never have one before…

    5. You can pursue an innocent romance with him being a novice in a relationship. Seriously if a guy you met knows a lot about dating and stuff, wouldn’t you be worried about his past and the coming future?

    6. You needn’t be jealous of other women as most of them are greenhorns when approaching a girl. So you really need not worry about them getting to know more girls…

    7. You can dye him your color. In simpler terms, you can have him dress and date how you want. You can even mold him to be what you wanted but of course not forcefully. But surely, they would change for the sake of their partners in which they would hold dearly.

    8. You can be sure that he would treat you well because of the fact that it is hard for them to get into a relationship with someone they love easily than others.

    9. You don’t have to worry about him cheating on you as he’s likely to take romance seriously so the chances of him cheating are low.

    10. It would really be a plus point if you both into the same hobby together. With both into the same passion, bonding will be strong and your relationship would definitely be lasting.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

J's Chimes: Out With The Old, In With The New...

    Times flies and its already the 27 September, which means that the new series of animes are coming up real soon. It's kinda sad that animes like Heroman and K-On! have to end this season but then again next season's anime will too be a blast. These new animes will probably be aired this week or the next in Japan and would probably take a while to reach us for that matter so it's best to clear all outstanding animes that you have yet to finish watching before moving to the next coming season...Source URL:
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

J's Chimes: 10 Reasons Why Gamers Will Survive An Apocalypse

    A seemingly interesting article was written in the Yahoo! News about why Gamers are able to survive an apocalypse despite having to only play games in front of an LCD screen... Now that you'd think about it, its often true because in this day and age people are all too over-reliant on technology to do the work for them and neglected much on the basics of self-survival. Which such is often thought in games if you truly think deeply about them...

    Think it is a joke? Maybe not... Gamers have long been the butt of many jokes, be it from the media, their peers, or even complete strangers on the street. After all, many hold the belief that video games do not hold much value, and are simply a waste of time. However the case, let's take a look at some of the reasons why it is somehow good to play games and gather these survival skills when there's a real apocalypse...

    1. Food for thought

    The basics to survival is getting ample supply of food to last. Games like Bistro Stars to Cooking Mama, etc would teach gamers how to prepare food. In modern times, there are more people dining out than eating and cooking at home. Thus would proved a problem to survive cooking proper meals. Other than cooking, foraging and gathering food would be necessary for survival. Of course it is more worth getting canned food than perishables as they can last longer for storage. Such are also taught in games like Deadrising, etc.

    2. Combat and fighting skills

    Games does teach gamers how to fight and defend themselves in case of an apocalypse. Take Metal Gear Solid to Splinter Cell for example where gamers will learn combat and stealth skills necessary in the very case of a war. And perhaps hand to hand combat which might proved useful when there no longer are rights and laws around to govern the country. Not to mention guns, gamers are somehow more familiar with weapons and getting them to work right. Securing such would allow them to survive better. Take Resident Evil as an example and you should know what I meant.

    3. Construction of barricades, survival items, etc

    Played games like Killing Floor or Team Fortress? Construction and building up defenses are important for surviving an apocalypse. Through games that teaches what materials used to barricade doors and such, to getting relevant tools and equipments to use. Such are necessary to defend oneself from deadly attacks in the case of a zombie apocalypse to war events. Never under estimate the powers of nails and hammer as it might proved useful in construction where people wouldn't grab in supermarkets except food to survive.

    4. Formulating and planning of strategies

    From games like Starcraft to Command and Conquer, such strategy games allow gamers to come up of quick decisions needed for survival. Such decisions not only would save their lives in desperate times, but will act immediately instead of waiting to die. Take Highschool of the Dead for example, good decisions allows them to survive better than the military or the police.

    5. Searching for necessities, ammunition, equipment

    Gamers who played first person shooters, action and adventure games would probably know what to look for in the events of an apocalypse. Equipments and stuff necessary for survival which includes arms and armor to defend oneself. Such could only be found in places known to many but forgone by the majority. With games like Left 4 Dead to Dead Space, it is known to gamers that extreme firepower is needed to survive the most dangerous and deadly environments around an apocalypse.

    6. Skills to drive a vehicle, a plane or a tank.

    With games from Gran Turismo to Flight Simulator and the likes, gamers are able to learn how to drive these vehicles in a virtual world and would probably be able to drive a real one given the situation. As to compared with those who knew nuts about driving, gamers have experience it first hand and would be more able to operate them easily. Such is fairly important for escapes in a real apocalypse where speed is really the necessary thing needed to survive.

    7. Ability to direct people

    Games like Call of Duty to Flashpoint gives gamers the ability to direct and command people more efficiently than someone who doesn't. They are more able to take lead and securing the others well from the experiences learn in the games. But of course this is debatable whether they would do well or not but in the case of a group with defenseless people, this is by far the best option to survive.

    8. Able to find possible entertainments

    With all things gone to hell, perhaps the first group of people who will die from boredom are those who don't like games. Gamers are creative people who can make games to entertain themselves. As a matter of fact, they are exposed to many and more likely to come up with something as an entertainment. Or the very least, they could just hijacked a brand new tv and consoles from a store and start whacking the controls without worries. Whereas those not interested would find it hard to get other entertaining materials...

    9. Able to adapt to the situation better

    With that many survival games and such around... Gamers are so-called more able to adapt to them given the circumstances as they have seen the worse of things in games. Such examples would be Gears Of War to Modern Warfare. Having seen real destruction, sufferings, deaths and the likes, gamers are much more seasoned to that and can treat it as a normal thing for an apocalypse. But to those who did not experience it before would take a more drastic fall...

    10. Able to kill when needed

    Probably one of the main reason why gamers are able to survive an apocalypse... It is not easy to kill another being of your kind. It would be even more difficult for someone who knows nothing of that kind, not to mention holding a gun and killing people. Games have somehow able to perfect it in the virtual world where realistic killings are involved. With gamers easily able to kill just about anyone, take for example Gran Theft Auto to Fable. And for the sake of survival, you must be able to do so to survive the harsh environment of a real apocalypse.Source URL:
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Friday, September 24, 2010

J's Chimes: Crazy Computer Cases

    Your computer case looks too ordinary? How about using a model of the Star Wars TIE Fighter for a new case cum table? I guess the owner is just bored of cases that he's decided on something much more amazing.

    Forgot what this cartoon is but someone decided to makes a model out of it where you can insert your CDs into the drives located at the mouth of the robot. Sometimes I wonder, isn't that taking up too much space in your house instead of a normal computer case? Maintenance is gonna be tough...

    Personally liked this one. Using a Maid anime model as a computer case is one brilliant idea... Except that you've got some explaining to do with your parents and friends that this is not a Candygirl but a computer case... I mean, who wouldn't be mistaken if a life-size doll is kept in your room? Anyway it looks pretty good though...Source URL:
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

J's Chimes: Beach Play Again...

    After Illusion Soft launches the second installment of Schoolmate 2, another game is already in the midst of creation. And to the delights of all Sexy Beach fans, the 4th series is announced and to be launch on the 29th October this year. Titled Sexy Beach Zero, this new game promises more options and gameplay. So far all we do know is that the basics are still available in the game for example the lotion scene to playing games and such. With little info provided, we just have to wait for the day to find out more about it then... Anyway here's a preview video of the upcoming game many are talking about.Source URL:
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

J's Chimes: Pokemon Live Action?

    After animes turn live action movies like Dragonball, Tekken to Bleach... It seems like the unimaginable happened. Thankfully this is actually a fan-made created by people in tribute to the anime. However crazy it might be, this video has gathered some 2 million hits ever since its upload. Let's just hope the 'real' Hollywood will not set their eyes into making a real live action movie instead...

    Anyway, here's the trailer for your viewing pleasure... And Ash looks really matured for some Somehow this Pokemon fight seems to be like an underground fighting event that seems more brutal than the anime to me...Source URL:
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Amazing Cars top

J's Chimes: Angel Beats Starcraft

    Most probably photo-shopped but still looks kinda cool nonetheless. Imagine having Angel Beats in the Starcraft 2 game briefing mode. So would you join Ruri and protect the SSS or purge them by joining sides with Angel Kanade? If only I'd know how to use the map editor for Starcraft... then you could really makes tons of games and this would even be possible if you do know how to script it... Well in any case, just a nice little parody to beef up the anime industry with familiar games...Source URL:
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Monday, September 20, 2010

J's Chimes: TOA x Star Wars

    What does Star Wars and Tales of the Abyss had in common? Well, the main character's names are both known as Luke. Funny how Dark Vader told Luke that he is his father in sort of a misunderstanding way... Having games like Soul Caliber who introduces Star Wars characters into the game, it's not surprising to see someone blending in works from the American and the Japanese to form something new. Hollywood has been eying on animes to be converted to live action movies for a long time and such examples like Dragonball and such up in the big screens... But of course blending in the culture would proved to be difficult as such are originated from Japan.Source URL:
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

J's Chimes: Left 3 Dead

    Love the Left 4 Dead series? Seems like valve has came up with the comic book for it to link up both part 1 and part 2 of the series together. Titled 'The Sacrifice', the story will focus on the previous characters of Left 4 Dead, their story and how they got to 'The Passing' after the events in Blood Harvest. You'd also get to know how Bill sacrifice his life to save his teammates. The comic can be viewed by clicking here. Part 2 will be out tomorrow and will focus on Zoey's other story...Source URL:
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

J's Chimes: Funny Starcraft Storylines...

    So you wanna know about the true stories of how the Zerg has come to be? Well perhaps you should read this comedic comic strip and laugh the crap out of something. Read it by clicking here. There are more strips on the tags of this website and you could see more funny comics about Starcraft which wasn't supposedly to be... Now it makes me wanna play as the Zerg race all thanks to these comics...Source URL:
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Friday, September 17, 2010

J's Chimes: So Ronery...

    There comes a time when you begin to feel a bit lonely, especially so for otakus when there weren't any girlfriends to accompany them. But because some tend to take things pretty overboard that anime fans are often deemed as naive people. Thus such has led to people despising anime and such hobbies as creepy, childish and even weird and that mature adults shouldn't dwelt into such things. Somehow thanks to the increasing popularity of Cosplays, youths are getting interested in animes now. Hopefully it helps to give people the awareness needed about our hobbies...Source URL:
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

J's Chimes: P is for Porn...

    Believe it or not for every anime title that is release and aired to the public, sooner or later and somehow or rather there would be a pornographic picture of it. Just try Google or Yahoo any popular animes and add a 'porn' word in association with it... Immediately you'd see something done up by artists for those who just wanna see their favorite anime characters in the most revealing and obscene way imagine... For better or for worse, some are rather nice by there are those that went kinda overboard that causes phobias... Especially to those innocent children who love Bleach so much and decided to google it to find some info but stumbled upon these materials that make them go 'Yooo!'... Then Bleach will never be what it used to be... and same to other animes as well because these things kinda sticks into your head better than the fighting scenes itself...Source URL:
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

J's Chimes: New Kids On The Blog

    Have finally manage to finish the translation and here it is as promised. Special thanks to my friend YY for recording and timing the subtitles into this programme. This documentary series that was aired last Wednesday on Channel U in Singapore talks about Cosplays in our country and how it has become a growing trend here. Had trouble subbing it because the narrator really talks a lot within this 12 minute video. Well in any case, watch it and be inspired... Please note that if captions does not appear, you can activate it manually from the icon on the bottom right and select 'CC' to turn it on. And fullscreen it for a much better view...Source URL:
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


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