Sunday, January 7, 2007

    3345 One of the best movies I've seen

    Finally got my husband to go to Dream Girls with me. Of course it's the best I've seen this year--not too hard since this is only the 7th, but I'd say the best I've seen in a decade. Maybe 2 decades. I'm ready to see it again, and that's really unusual for me. I think Overboard is the only movie I saw twice in the theater.

    Every performer was outstanding--Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx (I've never liked either one), Beyonce, Anika Noni Rose, Danny Glover--but Jennifer Hudson was just extraordinary. I've never watched American Idol, but I've read about her smack down by Judge Simon. She's Fabulous. Couldn't believe-my-ears stunning. Not just her singing but her acting. Why they call her "supporting actress" I'm not sure unless they mean it as in "foundation" or "no-story-without-her."

    The movie doesn't get preachy--if you lived in the 60s you catch the fleeting frames of history--but it does show that greed, bad behavior and infidelity know no racial preference. Yes, you have to suspend belief a bit--you are watching a broadway musical of the 1980s based on a 1960s girl group, in a 21st century movie verson, but as my daughter always says, "Mom, it's a movie!" Yes, it is, and this is what movies should be. Not truth. Not reality. Not a sermon. Just knock-your-socks-off terrific. And who knew Eddie Murphy could sing like that?

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