Thursday, March 15, 2007

    Thursday Thirteen

    It's been awhile--let's see if I can remember how to do this. Here's some random thoughts for a Thursday.

    1. Congratulations and good luck for the TT new hostesses who are making it truly a family affair.
    2. I've been doing Poetry Thursday for the last 11 weeks, instead of TT. Here's the one for today. An elegy for a baby but dedicated to anyone who has lost a child.
    3. Doing both PT and TT wouldn't be a problem for me since I write so much, but it is the visiting and leaving comments that takes the time, so I had to choose.
    4. Today I'm having lunch with a young woman who has asked me to speak to her Bible study group next week--I think their theme is older women mentoring younger women in the church, so each hostess invites a guest to speak.
    5. I think I'm older than her mother, so that makes me a wise old woman of the church!
    6. If you read my blog in the fall when we got back from my sister-in-law's wedding in California, you may remember I'd decided to lose my blogging weight--20 pounds.
    7. Yes, indeedy, that's what I gained when we got broadband and I started blogging regularly in 2003. It sort of snuck up on me, here a pound, there a blog, but it all added up til I was 150 lbs, the heaviest in my adult life.
    8. So I wrote a Thursday Thirteen about my plan to avoid 13 food triggers.
    9. It was slow going, and the holidays were rough, but I hit 130 lbs. on February 1. A lot of weeks I lost nothing at all, and nothing has budged in the last 6 weeks, but the tape measure does change.
    10. I've learned, and I'll warn you--130 lbs. is arranged very differently at 67 than 35. My waist is much bigger, but that's an advantage because nothing ever fit before. Now I can wear a size 8 slacks and not have a 2" gap at the waist.
    11. I've had a blast buying some new clothes that don't come from K-Mart. I discovered the Discovery Shop just up the road a mile, which is all donated, good quality clothing to benefit the Cancer Society.
    12. Last week I bought a fabulous Pendleton pants suit (already shortened to fit my stubby legs) for $20. It will be incentive to keep the weight off for next year, since it is a gorgeous, all lined, 100% wool, made in the USA. I look for quality brands with dry cleaner tags still attached.
    13. And finally, if you're doing much traveling, either because of work assignments or spring break, please read my blogs about DVT.

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    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! Leave a comment and I'll add your name and URL.
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